
Memoirs of Life with a 94 yr old Antique Drama Queen

Sometimes we wonder who can make more faces, the great grandson or the great grandma. We think that the latter wins. Hands down.
Life with a 94 yr old is never dull. Most days she thinks she’s somewhere in the age range of say.. 28. When she finds out its 2010,  and that she was born in 1915 she is completely shocked. Jaw drops and says “REALLY?!?!” I’m 94? Yep. You sure are.
She does some rather hilarious things, depending on the day. We’ve determined that getting her a cane (which she thinks are for old people.. ?) would be a bad idea because she would use it as a defense mechanism rather than aid for stability when walking. Many things in her mind are for “old people” – we’re glad she doesn’t think scooter chairs are the bomb-diggity, because they’re not. Instead, she leans on us grandchildren to get through life. Whether its walking in the house, or into church… we’re there for her (most of the timeJ).
She’s spry and very witty. A few years ago the church we were going to had a lady who was 2 years older than gram… She was hard of hearing and gram saw things as more of a ministry. One day when leaving church she says… “You be a good girl now, ya hear?!” – Then she leans over on my sister and says.. “no ya don’t hear. She’s pretty well deaf!”
Two weeks ago I was home catching up on Bible reading and I hear the doorbell go off. It’s Bessie, the older neighbor lady that loves to visit our house. Oh well I ran into gram’s room and said.. GET UP BESSIE IS HERE! She groans. Bessie persists with the doorbell, banging it at least 7 more times. I finally open the door and she asks in a VERY LOUD tone, is your MOM home? I say no, because she rarely is due to her job. Then (this is usual) she comes in, plops down in the living room, expecting a drink of water. I grabbed her a drink and headed to chat. She asks loudly if Gram is up.. well the volume of her voice would wake ANYONE up. So……. Off I go into the world of Gram.. aka her room. And say gram. Gram. GRAM. I can tell she’s faking sleep. She whispers… is she gone yet? I laughed. I said. NO. get up! She says shhhhhh, tell her I’m sleeping. And promptly pulls the covers back up over her head, only to walk out 20 minutes later to visit.
Books never get old. She could have one and it would last her all year. I’m not kidding either.

A few weeks ago my little sister decided we should try to put grammy into some Teenage clothes. So we did. She rocked it. We’ve also taught her how to do some sweet, Asian posing. 

She randomly breaks out into song. Sometimes they’re not very coherent either. One she was convinced was a Chinese song, but she sang it to some Chinese people. They responded by saying “we have no idea what you are saying” her response: “You need to learn more dialects.”
Ohhh gram! She can be so dramatic when it comes to eating salad. Or taking her pills, a bath, hearing that Bessie is at the door, or almost anything!
We love her.

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