
Oh, it is cold!

But I just saw an adorable picture of a couple eating Gelato and it made me want some. I guess sore throats do that to you? All in a week I've gone from worst sore-throat to no voice to a raspy voice and now........ well raspy voice. It's so exciting! Not really, but the no voice for a day was kinda cool, kinda not. I really am not a big fan of having to do sign language when I only know the alphabet and other people... don't.

So Gelato. The only time I've ever had it, wasn't even when I was in Rome last year. I'm frugal and can't bring myself to spending so much on such stuff. Call me ridiculous but it really wasn't in the budget. I mean, Rome wasn't in the budget! I had taken just a little spending money with me --this time last year when I embarked on a journey to Israel. However, our dear flight was delayed, leaving us with a 12 hour layover in Rome. I got to see Rome. I never had a particular interest to see Rome, but now that I saw it my opinion is: its pretty cool. One thing I'm kickin' myself on is that I did not go into Mamertium prison where Paul's final imprisonment took place. I stood at the door, but at that time didn't know how important that place was. Oh well!
So in Rome all I bought was an ice cream from the McDonalds there. Lame. If i were to do it over again.. i would probably shell out the 5 Euros for a taste of the gelato, just to say I did. But I didn't.

Actually the first time I had it was when I was touring Philly with my awesome cousin and middle school friend.. back in 2008. Oh it was fun! The stuff was really good too. I need to find a place in the area that has stuff like Philly.

So yes. It is cold outside. And i am wishing there were a local Gelato place that serves it like they do in Philly.

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