
We graduated. We partied.

So in celebration of my sister and I graduating we had a party. I had been planning this for ages or so it seemed. And everything was a success!!

I traded a family session (photography) for these AMAZING cupcakes!!! :)
The tower was from the baker with vintage ribbon added :)

Remember the treat packages I made a few months back?
We filled them with Skittles.
and they hung here:
I actually took this metal mesh and used recycled wood as the frame.. 

clipped the treat packages on with clothes pins. It was adorable
And I made the treat banner :)

If you look above the man's head. we made a mobile with airplanes and cities/countries we've traveled to during college. Well the wind got the best of it. grr wind! Oh well, it was fun.

The party was for 4 -- and we had people sign our year books. Yes. we had our college year books signed (shows we go to a small school where we actually GET year books ;)

Food table had fresh fruit. veggies. chips and salsa. and pulled pork sandwiches
I elevated some of the objects with "brown paper packages tied up w/ string"
And you can sorta see the vases of flowers.. well they're ones like DANA made for Mothers day :)

The plates/napkins and forks were put in a vintage tool box. Yes amazing, right?

A friend loaned me these drink dispensers.. she even filled one with Ice water, what a DOLL!!!

The centerpieces.. consisted of a vintage napkin-- vintage books.. and a vase with tissue-paper-flowers :)
The can was simply a veggie can wrapped w/ brown paper- tied with string and a vintage button for a sweet accent :)

We had this sign, as well as the other end of the pavilion-- with the 4 graduates names :)
I used my school library's die-cutter to make the paper letters and used fabric book (samples) for the fabric.. and some sweet vintage ribbon stuff.. to connect it all. And then I sent this as a "card" to another friend who graduated on the other side of the world! Fun idea, huh?? 

And the BEST part was our photobooth.. set up a vintage sheet between two trees.. and.. Oh did we have fun!!! I made some 'stashes and they were a HUGE hit!!!

In short the party was a BLAST.. and now I'm done with college. and the party.
So then I found out I had a r/t plane ticket that needed to be used before I head to my next.. job in a few short weeks! (I was gonna let my mom use it -- but nooooo. my name and my name only could be used for it.)
So i decided Canada would be a fun place to visit. So i'm going. tomorrow.

I love this crazy life!! And I've got an amazing Father in heaven who has it ALL under control. He makes me glad, and my days full of joy. 

Hope you're having a blessed day,



  1. Congratulations! Looks like you had a great time, and I love your party decor ideas. The bunting-as-card is a lovely idea.

    Stopping by via Creative Therapy :)

  2. Love the moustaches! Congrats to you and your sister.

  3. What a great idea! Love it!!!! The photo booth is awesome!!!! Come plant your creative seeds at my blog party on Friday: Plant a Punkin Seed at Punkin Seed Productions. Hope to see you there!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  4. just came from life in the pitts...love this party!

  5. oh my goodness.

    - - this party is flippin fantastic.

    - - you blog is a complete gem.

    glad i stopped by. will be back soon!


  6. Nice ideas! Such a nice party1

  7. Congrats on graduating! Your party is fantastic- I love the details!
    (who puts plates and plastic silverware in an antique tool box? Awesome).

    Also, your photography rocks.

    Thank you for participating in the Creative Therapy session at Life in the Pitts.

  8. OMGoodness, I love all your photos. Looks like you had a great time=0)

    I'm your newest follower. I'd love it if you followed me back=0)

    I'm having a giveaway worth $100- Please check it out!



  9. Congrats!!!! Your blog is great! I am a new follower and would love a follow back:)


  10. Your newest follower via Follow Me Friday at Trendy Treehouse!!


  11. What a fun day! Good for you :)


  12. Looks like you had a fantastic party! Everything looks great!
    Thanks for sharing @ Anything Related!

  13. What an awesome party! And you have a beautiful blog.

    I'm hosting a blog party right now and would love it if you linked up!

  14. Beautiful photos. Super-fun ideas!

  15. you did an amazing job with attention to all those little details, who knows where life will lead you, party planning on the side....:-)
