A lot happens in a year.. Life takes unexpected twists and turns... Here are some glimpses of what God's done during the past year.. in my life.
June 09: "Prepare the hearts of those you're taking me to and would you do wonders in my own <3 and life?--23 days til I leave"
July 8, 09: I am sitting at my gate. There is not a soul around because it is, after all 5 in the morning. I'm totally excited about what the next days will hold! We've prayed for this trip and here it is!!!!"
July 13- " Last night, I tried to hit the sack early. we have no water. :( Oh well, i felt icky, and sticky and sweaty, blech. 6AM rolled around and I tried to go down to the beach to spend time int he word but the gate was locked. So I worshiped on my porch.--this journey is amazing!
July 15- A girl stopped by the college ESL class that I'm teaching to inform me that i'd be taking over her PM Social studies class for middle schoolers.. Middle schoolers are complete brats.
July 18- We swam past a coral reef to a sweet, huge sandbar. After getting back E and I headed to snorkel! We got to see many awesome fish! It was so wonderful to see God's creativity. After going on the other side of the tiny day-trip island to do some more snorkeling, I saw a spiky fish... Spazzed and ended up cutting my knee on Coral! So we swam back then everyone was getting in to snorkel so I stayed in got to go pretty far out and be amazed by beauty! I felt a horrible pain on my wrist and had no idea what happened I jut new it hurt. A(my friend) YELLED that he'd been stung by a jellyfish. Thats what hit me too! I didn't know if it was deadly or not.... I was in so much pain it was so, so intense yet I can't really describe it. I wanted to lay down and
(i survived.) :) (it was a neurological thing where my body twitched in random places for the rest of the day, as I lay in PAIN)
August 6: Letter I received from my elementary ESL student ( i took over elem ESL -- no more college at this point): Miss Joji- your good to teach me so very very thank you. Now i love you so much. and I go back to my home country. I miss you. So I love you so much-- Lina
(i cried. cause I loved her sweet 8 yr old self back!)
August 11- These past days have been marked with GRACE! Saturday the sun finally came out- spent time at the beach with roommates.. I spent a chunk of time running along the shore just talking to God. T'was delightful!
August 18- Last night I had to say bye to everyone at Church. H- cried..... I said bye to my Far-eastern students. I cried. Ahh!
E had a brilliant idea to go to the north cliff to say bye... We took a blanket, hot cocoa, camera and my friends car..... When we climbed out of the car we were greeted by one of the most brilliant sights my eyes have ever seen!! There were so, so, so many stars in the sky--thousands and I could probably say I saw millions because there were that many. E thought God cleared the clouds for me. We talked to him as the trip ended. I broke out some glow sticks to take pics with in the ddark. two spurted open and i danced around the road as it spurted out. feeling free. knowing that my current task had come to an end., yet that there would be many hours of prayer ahead for the people there-- for wisdom as to whether or not I should return there...
December 18-- It's been 4 months since I arrived been home-- A lot happens in 4 months, for sure. Not only has one more semester of school concluded, but a 20 page paper written, and different "career" plan ideas have come across my path. Regardless, God is still with me. It's been a little "drier" season but I hope to spend a long time with Him over break.
February 4 2010- I stood up in chapel to testify. I had it all planned in my head-- yet when i got up there I got choked up about telling God NO! but He had other plans. (thankfully)
I'm looking forward to finishing school-- -- potentially moving-- and having a home of my own. Be thou my vision.
May 12, 2010
The Lord has continued to sustain me through thick and thin. I graduated last week and i am embarking on a huge move.
May 14- I have been in Canada for 2 days now and have been able to do a lot (like eat lots of Korean food and teach an adult ESL class) -- right now I'm at my friends university sitting in the library overlooking this town and in the distance are awe-inspiring, snow-capped mountains. They are nothing short of beautiful. -- later that day we went to the other branch of her university.. and saw this:
and some of this:
How can people say that there is no God. British Columbia is breathtaking.
His creation blows me away-- consistently.
For that and so much more, my heart is grateful.